Weekly WABL Wrap – Round 6 – 26 May 2024

The Weekly WABL Wrap is proudly sponsored by Woods Insurance Brokers

Here’s the Round 6 wrap-up of how all our teams went, including comments from coaches:

12-1 Girls – Marcia Dowling (sponsored by National Geotech)

Won against East Perth 67-36

Coach comments

  • After the first two minutes, which were not our best basketball, the girls decided to “shake it off” and get going. This was a rather unusual game of ups and downs in communication and execution and yet these amazing girls still worked hard as a team to get a convincing win
  • Olive Bird (8pts, 8rbds, 10 steals) and Elsey Lohman white (6 points, 8 rbds and 8 steals) were well-focused on transition and spacing again this week. Both girls’ finishing was excellent, and their defence was intense.

12-2 Girls – Paul Philpott (sponsored by Infinity Designed)

Lost to Perry Lakes 46-29

Coach comments

  • Today it was all about the journey not the outcome. With a strong first quarter, we looked confident and ready to go. Unfortunately, the Hawks left us scoreless in the 2nd before we retaliated with a confident 3rd period. Whilst the Hawks took off in the final quarter, we knuckled down with a focus on team which saw us playing more on our terms, causing Hawks to lose control of the ball on many occasions.
  • It was a great day for our guards today. Young Madison Le was terrific in helping carry our ball creating a number of helpful transitions. 
  • Zoe de Morton was as quick as ever and, as usual, fighting for every ball.
  • Zoe Bartucciotto continues to sit strategically and patiently at the side door adding a fine 6 points to the tally. 
  • Both Jade MacPherson and Sophie Nicolls were on the front foot with opposition coverage and down court plays.

12-3 Girls – Khalid Elmi 

Lost to East Perth 20-22

Coach comments

  • This was a very close game. We led the whole way through but ended up losing on some made free throws by East Perth towards the end. We had a lot of opportunities to get ahead on the scoreboard, but we just couldn’t capitalise on them.
  • Elizabeth Doyle played great. She had one of her best games defensively and getting a lot of rebounds helped us. 
  • Hannie Ryu top scored for us with 5 points!

12-1 Boys – Ofir Ben Dror (sponsored by Pivot Project Consulting)

Lost to Warwick 74-59

Coach comments

  • The game was close throughout the game – only 5-7 points separated us from Warwick for most of the way.
  • A much stronger offense and good one-on-one defence kept us in the game, and only a few defensive errors towards the end cost us the victory. All in all, we are closer to a lot of our targets than we have been this season so far
  • Harry Frame had a very good offensive game, driving to the basket and shooting from far. 
  • Eli Mancini had a good game on both ends with some good steals and nice assists. 
  • Ruari Day was strong in the key and kept us in the game with a few strong finishes.

12-2 Boys – Dom Pitchen (sponsored by Sushi Wawa)

Won against Willetton Blue 59-71

Coach comments

  • The boys started well, being strong in their defence, taking care of the ball, and playing with control on offense. The game got close in the middle, but the boys did well to keep a cool head and close the game out strong.
  • Talin McCullough was brilliant today. He controlled the offence and found the right passes. He was a menacing presence on the defensive end, getting lots of steals and ball pokes that led to easy buckets for us. Well done, Talin.
  • Harrison Kingsbury was a monster presence on the rebounds and the defensive end. He did well to get multiple interceptions and stops and fought to get every rebound. Great job, Harrison.
  • Noah Ouwendyk was another menace on the defensive end today. Along with Talin, he got steals and applied great pressure, which led to him scoring a lot of easy buckets. He did well to look for kick-ahead passes and keep control of the game. Great job, Noah.

12-3 Boys – Craig Dropulich (sponsored by Profusion Planning)

Won against Slammers 57-29

Coach comments

  • We made the trip to Bunbury this week and it was a very pleasing trip. We were missing our biggest player for this encounter, so some roles had to be changed. It was surprising to me how well all my players stepped up to challenge on the boards in Rintaro’s absence. We did a great job in limiting offensive rebounds for the Slammers and had fantastic ball pressure the whole game. We were dominating the game in all stats yet only 8 points up at the half. Our full court defence and hard work on defensive transition was the best it has been all season. I really enjoyed all 10 players’ work and enjoyment of the game.
  • Xavier Coombe had an awesome game and scored 22 points. His driving and finishing at the ring were at a much higher level than at any time this season. He was on defensively as well, and he was 1 of 1 for 3-pointers, too.
  • Levi (Jack) McKibbin showed a liking to rebounding everything in sight today. He also scored off 2 or 3 offensive boards. He played much taller than he normally does. I will have to get him closer to the ring now to capitalise on his natural ability to rebound the ball so well.

12-4 Boys – Wayne Dropulich (sponsored by Playa Coffee)

Won against Hills Raiders Green 46-31

Coach comments

  • This week, we triumphed over the Hills Raiders Green, demonstrating our team’s grit and unity under pressure, with a final score of 46 to 31.
  • With an electrifying start, we pulled ahead in the first quarter, scoring 13 points to our opponents’ 3, demonstrating our defensive and offensive skills. Maintaining momentum throughout the game, our team stood strong even in adversity. A powerful run in the late third quarter extended our lead, entering the final quarter commanding a 15-point lead. Despite fourth-quarter challenges and missed shots, our strong early-game and persistent defence ensured a 15-point lead till the end.
  • Six players each achieved four or more steals, reflecting our team’s strong defence and collective effort. Each player’s significant contribution underlines that success is a team effort. Capitalising on our opponents’ mistakes, we scored an impressive 26 points from turnovers. This highlights our aggressive defence strategy and the importance of seizing every opportunity.
  • In conclusion, our game against Hills Raiders Green showcased our growth, resilience, and skill. We look forward to taking this momentum into future games and continuing to thrive as a team.
  • Franklin Etter demonstrated an outstanding performance with an impressive count of 5 steals. His defensive skills were exceptional and significantly contributed to the team’s overall success. Not only was his defence great, but he also showed remarkable awareness on the court. He consistently passed the ball to his teammates who were in a better position to score, proving his strategic thinking and unselfish play.
  • Ioane Ivala-Kotua showcased outstanding performance and skill. His shooting was accurate, making 2 out of 2 shots from the three-point line. Remarkably, he also took the lead in rebounds, securing a team-high 7 rebounds. His defensive play was equally impressive with a total of 5 steals, demonstrating his quick reflexes and anticipation. Ioane consistently worked hard to get back on transition defence, a testament to his commitment and drive to support his team.

14-1 Girls – Simon Daff (sponsored by Australian Financial Planners)

Won against Willetton 38-24

Coach comments

  • We literally led from start to finish. What I loved about the girls this week was their willingness to compete and be aggressive. You could tell they just wanted it more. They are getting more consistent in their play, cutting down turnovers and making better decisions. I’m a very proud coach—they are constantly improving.
  • Olivia Birsa continues to improve as our starting big. She might not be the tallest, but she plays hard and physically and uses her body well to be our most consistent rebounder. Offensively, she is starting to understand where to get the ball inside and the timing for when to cut. This has allowed a more inside presence and another string to our bow.
  • Jacinta Wladyka continues to have a very consistent season, both offensively and defensively. As an underage player, she is showing skill and technique beyond her years.
  • Hayley Hill was super aggressive early and had a point to prove against her old team. She hit some big shots early and set the tempo for which lifted the other girls to go with her.

14-2 Girls – Reid Ballantine (sponsored by Fish Boss)

Lost to Mandurah Black 37-57

Coach comments

  • We lost our mojo in the front end of this game. Mandurah was transitioning a lot faster than previous teams we encountered, so we were a little slow to defend. Late defence resulted in some very early foul trouble for us, which took away some of our normal intensity. For a lot of the game, Mandurah continued to transition really well and had a numbers advantage up the floor, so we needed to run harder, but mainly just react faster and commit to the ball and basket earlier. 
  • There were still some good sections of the game where we looked really good with the ball in hand, and we had a lot of reasonable shots, but someone from Mandurah had snuck the step ladder out and put glad wrap over our ring, so the shots didn’t drop today. 
  • We worked hard to win the 3rd quarter and get within 10 points, but the 4th quarter slipped away. 
  • We can bounce back next week.
  • Gracie Dillon was the standout this week, winning 8 rebounds, fighting for steals, and punching out really good, fast, safe outlet passes every time. 
  • Ava Armstrong had her best game, with great spacing and passing, 8 offensive rebounds, 6 points, and 2 blocks. 
  • Despite early foul trouble for Ella Fair and Harper Grace, they both adjusted well. They found a way to stay on the court until almost the very end and turned their games around, generating a stream of steals and 24 points between them.

14-3 Girls – Helen Pardini (sponsored by Access Hire)

Won against Mandurah Gold 49-34

Coach comments

  • After a couple of narrow losses, the girls delivered a great performance to secure their first win of the season. Their collective effort, particularly in defence, proved pivotal. Their hard work in transition and help defence, combined with strong rebounding, limited Mandurah’s transition and second chance opportunities.
  • Our offence showed marked improvement. We demonstrated patience and effective ball movement to find open shooters, resulting in high-quality shot opportunities.
  • The girls have been building each week towards this win, and it was pleasing to see their hard work and improvement be rewarded. I’m incredibly proud of every player, as each contributed significantly, it was a great team effort.
  • Isabel Nesa was fantastic. She led our defensive effort with multiple stops—nothing could get by her—and grabbed 10 rebounds. 
  • Mila Petta excelled defensively and worked tirelessly on both ends, whilst also contributing 7 rebounds.
  • Alyssa Rullo delivered an outstanding shooting performance, scoring 20 points, including three 3-pointers.

14-4 Girls – Rori Roberts (sponsored by Habitat Finance)

Won against Hills Raiders Green 46-41

Coach comments

  • Game of the year for our girls! We got off to a super slow start, going down 12-0 early. Hills led by as much as 24 points, and at half time, the margin was 19 points. So it would have been super easy for the girls to drop their heads. HOWEVER … The second half was amazing. We slowly chipped away at the lead to get it back within 8 points at three-quarter time which set us up for a super fourth quarter. Still chipping away, we managed to tie the game up with 2 minutes to go and came away with a 5-point win in the end.
  • The fightback really came from the girls’ defensive pressure as well as each girl coming on and playing their role. As a team we were able to give up a good shot for a great shot all second half.
  • Bianca Bajin’s defence was crucial in the fourth. She stayed in front of her players and got some great steals.
  • Isla Cowman took the game on when she needed to, attacking the basket hard and getting Hills into foul trouble.
  • Stevie Brehaut led the way in scoring, finishing with 13 points, but she also had what I would say was her best defensive game.

14-1 Boys – Ben Hamilton (sponsored by Geist Consulting)

Won against Willetton White 65-43

Coach comments

  • This week, we played with 7 players against a spirited Willetton team that, during certain phases of the game, was able to control the momentum. Even with our smaller line-up, though, we controlled the boards, giving us a significant possession advantage, which we converted through transition and a dominant presence in the paint. 
  • Our team is starting to discuss defence more and develop higher-intensity habits, both of which will be needed as we prepare to compete against stronger opponents.
  • Erik Davies was back after a couple of weeks away and was our only big. He played a lot of minutes and demonstrated much-improved endurance on his way to a well-earned double-double. He was also an instrumental presence protecting the ring. Great game, Erik.
  • Christian Cvitan continues his rapid development, leading our assists and scoring while also picking up 8 rebounds. His game understanding is also developing, making him a great team contributor. 
  • Seb Doyle completes his fantastic May with another solid performance. At times playing as our biggest player, he grabbed 10 rebounds while also scoring 11 points at an impressive 67% inside the paint. His versatility has been key to our success the past few weeks.

14-2 Boys – Fletcher Clemmence (sponsored by Ponosh Vascular)

Won against Mandurah 81-39

Coach comments

  • The boys were in a good mood after taking the top team to overtime last week. There was plenty of motivation to prove we are one of the best teams in the competition. We came out a bit slow in this game, but by the end of the first half, we were really in control and in a groove.
  • I gave Kade Peake the challenge of being aggressive and boy did he come out strong, leading the charge on defence in the full court and finishing as the second top scorer for the game. 
  • Ethan Kingsbury is our tallest player and we have been challenging him to be the best rim protector in the league by changing all shots and not necessarily going for blocks. Really proud of how he was able to deter opposition ring attacks. 
  • Elliot Birch was out for injury at the start of the season, and we have really missed his off-the-bench attack and his dangerous pick-and-roll game. He hit some nice shots today and it’s good to see have him back out there.

14-3 Boys – Brad Holyoak (sponsored by Westbeck Capital)

Won against Joondalup 71-50

Coach comments

  • We came up against a big, fast Wolves team that played an up-tempo transition game. We discussed our strategy, did our homework, and drilled containment defence at training. They came out at us early. We weathered the storm in the first quarter and put the brakes on them in the second quarter. From then on, we squeezed them until they squealed, stopped their run, and ran out to a 21-point victory.
  • It was a total team effort this week. Everyone played their part, and there was some real growth across the team. We played a different type of game plan that we had total buy-in for. Well done, fellas.

14-4 Boys – Ethan Saliacus (sponsored by Skyward Roof Plumbing)

Won against Hills Raiders 71-33

Coach comments

  • After a tight first quarter, our defensive pressure and help-side defence really lifted, limiting the hills to 0 points in the second quarter. It was great to see everyone contributing on both ends and our offensive structures being run the best they have all season, which just tells me the boys are very capable and can do it more!
  • Leo Burton had an outstanding game. His shots went in, which is one thing, but what I was most impressed with was the boxing out and rebounding. His energy and talk is some of the best around 
  • Luka Petrovic, who has been adjusting to the physicality of 14s, has been improving on that each week. Today, he really shone, staying in front of his opponent and attacking the basket with more confidence. He also showed great passing and basketball IQ which I know he’s got in him

16-1 Girls – Sam Fox (sponsored by Sushi Wawa)

Won against Cockburn 69-50

Coach comments

  • Up against the team that won State Champs, this was a week to see what we could achieve. Our players came together and put on a defensive masterclass. We held the Cougars to 26% in the paint compared to our 43% and kept their league-leading shooters to 15% from deep. We controlled the pace and executed in our half-court with some beautiful offence. Cougars didn’t know what hit them. Statement win.
  • Our whole team showed up this week so it’s particularly difficult to single people out. 
  • Lola Bingwa was locked in on D and was a team-high +22 in the stats. 
  • Madi Makavilitogia made some tough buckets inside and was a vocal leader all game. 
  • Leeshar Tuialii started a little cold but then decided no one was going to stop her. She finished with 27 points and a team-high eFG% of 56%.

16-2 Girls – Vance Karimi (sponsored by Packaging Perth)

Lost to Eastern Suns White 49-56

Coach comments

  • It was another tough game for the girls. We struggled the first half with lots of turnovers and forced shots but kept it relatively close with the girls doing their best by freestyling. The third quarter was the one that got away from us with too many forced shots, which led to lots of transition where we couldn’t chase back. Even though the girls were emotionally and physically tired, they were amazing in the fourth quarter. They finished on a high with good passing, transitioning well and protecting the paint. It was lovely to see they didn’t give up and were so supportive from the bench.
  • Chelsea Ferris had a great game. Coming off illness, she was great in both her 1-on-1 and help defence. She chased back when her player got away and attacked her opportunities when she found space.
  • Paige Wigmore was also coming off illness and moved well in the paint to protect our basket. She fought hard to pull down the defensive rebounds and was smart to draw multiple players and kick out to open up opportunities.
  • Bella Kahl had to take control and dribble in transition when there was no wide outlet opportunity and did well to avoid more turnovers in the mid-court. She found great space, read the offensive rebounds and finished smart in the paint.

16-3 Girls – Dave Ogden (sponsored by Kai Rho Consulting)

Won against Warwick 39-38

Coach comments

  • The girls came from 8 points down at halftime to steal a win. In what was a group effort, all 10 players had minutes in the last quarter. We hustled back into the game and created offense on the back of defensive efforts.
  • We now have the best defensive record in the grade. This win sets the tone for the season and gives us confidence that we can win from any position.
  • Halle Griffins continues to improve and gave great energy in the last quarter with her pressure around the ball. The awareness not to reach and defend the space only makes her more disruptive.
  • Ani Farrant’s hustle and work rate stood out. She picked off passes and split defenders off the dribble in a standout game. 
  • Cara Hayes’s form in the second half was decisive to the result, as she hit some important shots down the stretch.

16-4 Girls – Marcia Dowling (sponsored by Professional Web Solutions)


16-1 Boys – Mitch Jesson (sponsored by DLA Piper)

Won against Rockingham 111-96

Coach comments

  • This was a game of contrasting game plans with Rockingham taking (and making) a lot of 3’s, while we tried to focus on our inside game.
  • The Flames made 14 three-point shots, but we were able to match them with an efficient transition game and some great work by our bigs.
  • We’re short-handed at the moment with two bigs out, leaving Tait Dalton and Flynn Hamilton to carry the load. When both fouled out with 5 minutes to go, we were concerned but had faith in our small-ball lineup. Our faith was well placed as we powered to 35 last-quarter points and made our free throws down the stretch.
  • Mark Sunkar, recovering from illness, ended up playing the last 5 mins at our Centre. In our last timeout, we told Mark this game hinges on your ability to compete on the boards, and he did not let us down. (Shout out to Jenson Harders who also had to play ‘big’ for the last 5 mins.)
  • Julien Richardson enjoyed this game. It was super fast, and transition is where Julien thrives. He contributed a game-high 23 points, including three “and ones”. Defensively, he was all over the opposition. It was really great to see Julien just refuse to accept any outcome other than a Redbacks win. Cooper Hewer and Jules are becoming quite the dynamic wing duo.
  • Flynn Hamilton played a lot of minutes, and when he fouled out, he almost looked relieved to finally get a rest. Flynn just outworked his opposing bigs, constantly being the first big up and back in transition and constantly competing on the boards. He hit 2 fantastic spin moves, and then when they backed off him, he casually hit an all-net 3. Call out to Tait Dalton, too, who, as the only big, really earned my respect.

16-2 Boys – Dan Cartwright (sponsored by Triple Seven)

Won against Perry Lakes 75-71

Coach comments

  • This was a hard-fought game, with Perry Lakes being a really physical team. Our boys dominated the glass, making sure we secured the win.
  • Koby Kalebic, Cooper Poustie and Tom Lindegger were outstanding in this game, leading our team to the win

16-3 Boys – Francis Crawshaw (sponsored by Teqar IT Consulting)

Lost to Rockingham Black 74-86

Coach comments

  • This was a really physical game. Rockingham had inside presence that our team really struggled with. We tried different looks on it: 3/4 deny, double down from the wings, etc. When we did defend the post well, Rockingham managed to retain the ball on the offense rebounds. 
  • Perimeter defense in the half-court was pretty good and we shut down their guards somewhat and closed out well on 3-point shots. Some possessions we did defend for a whole minute at a time. Which led to a turnover and fast breaks. 
  • Our offense was really good when we did run it. Getting open looks from moving/reversing the ball. As pressure came on, we went back into our old habits (playing 1-on-1 basketball) that hasn’t worked for us all year. 
  • We also got in foul trouble, which didn’t help much either. 
  • In all though, this was a good learning curve for us. We have picked out a few things that we can work on going into our next training.
  • James Galvin again was huge for us, netting 38 points from everywhere on the court, from the outside to midrange and attacking the hoop. 
  • Lucas Le again worked hard all game. Some opportunities missed that could of brought his telly up from 11 points.

16-4 Boys – Cheyne Kerp (sponsored by Perth Safety Deposit Boxes)

Lost to Hills Raiders Grey 72-79

Coach comments

  • This was another tough loss for the boys. We came back from being down 16 points in the 3rd quarter to nearly steal the game. The fight and never say die attitude from the boys was very pleasing. The longer the game went on, the boys got more confident and composed against a team that played a 2-3 zone all game.
  • Parker Dunstan played another solid game with 10 rebounds and 6 points, shooting 75%, along with the best efficiency on the court. 
  • Jake Chew also played well. He was very distributive on D, not letting bigger opponents take advantage. He also obtained 3 steals.

18-1 Girls – Shaun Alvar (sponsored by Aussie Fencing)

Lost to Cockburn 40-96

18-2 Girls – Steve Herring (sponsored by MD Building Maintenance)

Won against East Perth 89-55

Coach comments

  • The first quarter started a little like we finished last week, then bit by bit we regained our flow, started owning the game and by the 3rd quarter, we were back on point. 
  • Each week, we see more selfless and supportive play, with the team recording the most assists in the season so far. It is really great to see how things are coming together.
  • This week, I want to recognise the players who played a solid, supportive team game and executed instructions. 
  • Lilliana Flynn for assists, defence, and good shot choices. 
  • Stephanie Hunt for solid team play and second efforts to make position after passing to score, creating great scoring opportunities, coupled with great offence positioning around the arc.
  • Jessica Kerp did great work in defence and chase downs, and in offence, excellent team support play.

18-3 Girls – Andy Zell (sponsored by High Octane Automotive Services)

Lost to Perry Lakes 52-83

Coach comments

  • This week, we faced a challenging assignment, playing against the undefeated top team in our division away at Perry Lakes. With three players out due to illness, the match-up became even more difficult.
  • The girls started off on fire, playing high-intensity and smart basketball, and went into the first break with a three-point lead.
  • Unfortunately, while we matched Perry Lakes’ intensity throughout the game, we could not maintain our scoring rate from the first quarter. We struggled with our outside shooting from the second quarter onwards, which allowed Perry Lakes to get back on defence and cut off the driving lanes. Our girls continued to drive to the basket bravely but found scoring more difficult.
  • Given our absences, we were slightly undersized. Perry Lakes used their size advantage to dominate the boards from the second quarter, allowing for multiple offensive chances. Although we improved our defence, we were hurt by second and third chance shots.
  • We had strong contributions across the board this week. Emily Strika had a fantastic game and continues to grow in her basketball skills and confidence. She played with such joy, strong one-on-one defence, and took great shots.
  • I’d also like to give a shout-out to Meiling Wang, who started her second game at the point guard position. She continues to build each week, handling the ball effectively on both ends, taking smart shots, driving to the basket, and making sharp, intelligent passes.
  • Yusra Handule, Maddie Wade, Em Swann, and Izzy Cobb also made significant contributions this week. Yusra played strongly in the middle, stepping up in the starting role due to injuries. Maddie brought the intensity, energy, and enthusiasm that we missed over the last couple of weeks. Em Swan always puts her body on the line with great defence and drives to the basket, and Izzy led our team on the floor, strengthening us with her confidence and leadership.
  • A big thank you from our team to Ella Welsh (16 points, 7 rebounds, and 3 assists off the bench) and Madi Makavilitogia (8 points, 4 rebounds, and 1 assist) for filling in for us. You girls brought wonderful energy and support. Well done!

18-1 Boys – Andrew Logan

Won against Cockburn 93-58

Coach comments

  • This was a game of two halves with turnovers and a stagnant offence keeping Cockburn in the contest in the first half. After a solid third quarter where we started to run our sets and look after the ball, we then had a 5-minute period where we took over the game with transition offence and elite defence, which led to 6 dunks and the opposition scoring only 2 points for the quarter. This was the best basketball we have played this season. I was super proud of how the boys executed our structures in the second half.
  • Jude Garbenis and Max Wishart were consistent all game setting the team up for the win. 
  • Tavian Griffiths, Alex Pardini and Lachy Wheals had a fantastic second half punishing the opposition with some great rebounding, ball movement and defence.
  • David and Isaac Moore were show stoppers, throwing down 6 dunks and getting downhill regularly.

18-2 Boys – Marshall Robinson (sponsored by Integrity Fencing and Gates)

Lost to Wolves 106-74

Coach comments

  • We looked in control from the start until halftime. Their full-court trap gave us problems when we tried to dribble first and didn’t adjust.
  • Josh Welsh was very strong and scored well. 
  • Cam Todorovic played his best game so far
  • Ethan Bushby’s on ball pressure was excellent

18-3 Boys – Louis Timms (sponsored by Icon Plumbing Solutions)

Won against Cockburn 74-65

Coach comments

  • Cockburn is a good defensive team. They did things to disrupt our offense, which I felt the boys handled well, especially their half-court press.
  • We played a lot more zone in this game, which took Cockburn out of their comfort zone. Their pressure caused turnovers late in the game, which gave them a chance to get back in the game after we were up 15 at the half, but our composure late in the game helped us seal the win.
  • Jay Hazell and Hamish Gibson were both very impactful on the offensive end. I’ve been very pleased with their individual offense, which they have put a lot of work into.
  • Jack Saliacus was excellent on the defensive end with many key rebounds throughout the game to go along with a real desire and energy to play defence.

18-4 Boys – Nick D’Elia (sponsored by Mortgage Choice – Emma Tyler)

Lost to Hawks 84-80

Coach comments

  • This week was an exciting, frustrating up-and-down game. We came out hot and got a few steals. Hard drives and and-1 plays put us in the lead early. Then, just as quickly some 3-point shots from the Hawks and good drives put them in front. It see-sawed like this for the whole game.
  • Unfortunately, we did not crash the boards well enough, and this gave them too many shot attempts, which saw us head into the last 4 minutes of the game 10 points down. We rallied hard at that point. Desperate ball pressure and big shots down the stretch brought us within 4 points; however, it just wasn’t enough. A tough yet gutsy loss.
  • Hamza Elmi demonstrated some excellent intensity from Hamza
  • Gabe Fode connected on some amazing drives and crashed the board hard for rebounds too
  • As always, Zaydn Thomas brought hard-nosed defense

21-1 Girls – John Care’ (sponsored by Fine Food WA)

Lost to Joondalup 112-51

Coach comments

  • Up against Joondalup, who is at the top of the table, we knew this was going to be a tough game, physically and mentally. However, irrespective of the scoreboard, the girls put together a much better game than in previous weeks, with some really great moments of basketball.
  • Rori Roberts’ ability to better focused with the ball and slow down the play and execute was great whilst also contributing 17 points.
  • Sagal Elmi also had a great game on both ends of the court with 12 points.
  • Grace Swann, has been building her confidence week on week. This week it was great to see her applying defensive pressure and getting inside for rebounds. Great work Grace.

20-1 Boys – Graham Jones (sponsored by Bendigo Bank Community Bank North Perth)

Lost to Cockburn 71-91

Coach comments

  • After winning a thrilling exchange the previous week, we entered this week’s game with high hopes of repeating that performance. Unfortunately, it was not to be. 
  • A slow start saw us finish the first quarter 10 points down, and this trend continued through the first half. We struggled to find our rhythm, and by halftime, the deficit had grown significantly. However, drawing on the courage and determination that had seen us through last week’s victory, we mounted a spirited comeback in the second half.
  • Despite being down by as many as 20 points, we fought back with extraordinary effort, narrowing the gap to just 2 points at one stage. The intensity of the comeback was a testament to the team’s grit and never-say-die attitude. Unfortunately, maintaining that high level of play proved too taxing, and as the game wore on, the pace slowed. The gap began to widen once more, and we ultimately lost by 20 points.
  • Despite the loss, there were several positives to take from the game. 
  • Ethan Saliacus and Cooper Deshon put in solid performances leading a unit of players with increased minutes who highlighted their value to the team:
  • Akia Rowe-Fox, displayed solid and consistent ball control, making the right passes at the right time and having a good understanding of his players.
  • Declan Pyne had another good performance, consistently boxing out, crashing the boards, and moving the ball on offence.
  • Wade Bonhomme also deserves recognition for his versatile play. Though not leading in points, Wade’s all-around performance and adaptability were vital to our team’s efforts.
  • The extraordinary effort and the contributions from players in increased roles are encouraging signs for our team’s development. We will continue to build on these positives as we move forward.

20-2 Boys – Dario Povia (sponsored by Bendigo Bank Community Bank North Perth)

Lost to Rockingham 68-94

Coach comments

  • We come up against a very strong undefeated team in Rockingham.
  • The first quarter was a frantic, even contest. Our boys played our brand of basketball, moving the ball quickly in transition and we were down by only 3 points at quarter time.
  • Our intensity and commitment to playing our game wavered in the second and third quarters, and we were down by 20 points at three-quarter time.
  • The boys rallied in the final quarter and at one stage brought the margin back to 10 points.
  • Our defence was solid throughout the game against taller opposition with Ollie Hill and Riley Ford again displaying plenty of physicality.
  • In offense, Hamish was the top scorer this week, and his three-point shots were on the mark. 
  • Harry Cuerden, Alistair Hartmann, and Benji Berardis also had points in double figures.
  • Alistair was a standout again this week with a cool head under pressure at both ends of the court.
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