Strength & Conditioning – Quarantine Edition – Week 2

If you want to keep fit at home while you can’t get on the court, Sean Connolly (Coach Connolly) is here for you. You can head here to download his 30-day Quarantine Program for free. (The Free App contains videos and images of each exercise if you’re not sure what they are so it’s worth downloading.)

Alternatively, you can view week two of the program below. Thank you Sean!

Day 1

10-15 minutes warming up by using a combination of:

  • Skipping
  • Air skipping
  • Jogging on the spot
  • Any aerobic apparatus you might have at home like a spin bike, rowing machine or treadmill

Exercise Set 1
Step Back Lunge: 3 x 15
Push-up: 3 x 15
Lying Leg Raises: 3 x 15

Exercise Set 2
Lateral Lunge: 3 x 15
Bent-Over Row: 3 x 15
Mountain Climber: 3 x 15

Day 2

10-15 minutes warming up

Exercise Set 1
High Knees in Place: 3 x 15
A-Skip: 3 x 15
Butt Kicks: 3 x 15
Tuck Jump: 3 x 15

Exercise Set 2
Burpee Box Jump Over: 3 x 10
Spiderman Push-up: 3 x 10

Exercise Set 3
Push-up: 3 x MAX

Day 3


Stead state low-intensity 3-5km run

Record the time it took you to complete the distance in the session notes.

Day 4

10-15 minutes warming up

Exercise Set 1
Single-Leg Romanian Dead Lift: 3 x 15
Air Squat: 3 x 15
Plyometrics/Lateral hops: 3 x 10

Exercise Set 2
Air Squat: 3 x MAX @ 45s

Exercise Set 3
Circuit: As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) for 7 mins, 20 reps of everything below:

  • Crunches
  • Penguin Crunches (lay on your back, side bend and touch your heels)
  • Lying Leg Raises
  • Up Downs
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Russian Twists

Day 5

Circuit: As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) for 25 mins, 20 reps of everything below:

  • Crunches
  • Penguin Crunches (lay on your back, side bend and touch your heels)
  • Lying Leg Raises
  • Up Downs
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Russian Twists

Day 6


Stead state low intensity 3-5km run

Record the time it took you to complete the distance in the session notes.

Day 7

Day off

Please note:

This exercise program is presented with the assumption that anyone undertaking them has been cleared for exercise by their physician, and has undertaken physical activity of this level previously. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program you agree that you do so at your own risk and are voluntarily participating in these activities assuming all risks of injury.

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